
Methandienone® 50mg/ml, 10ml/vial

Methandienone® 50mg/ml, 10ml/vial

Active life: 1-2 days
Androgenic/anabolic ratio: 30:100
Average dose: 3-7 ml per week.
High blood pressure: Yes
Liver toxicity: Moderate
Water retention: Yes
Aromatization: Yes


Methandienone ® Methandienone injection is a modified form of testosterone that has become quite popular in the fitness community due to its beneficial results. This anabolic steroid has a much weaker relative affinity for the androgen receptor compared to its parent, testosterone, however, at the same time, it exhibits a much longer half-life and a much lower affinity for serum binding proteins compared to it.
For these reasons, injectable methandienone has become quite popular and is used by many athletes around the world. These features allow methandienone to be an extremely potent anabolic steroid, even though it exhibits a weaker receptor binding affinity. Plus, recent studies of this steroid, among other things, confirmed the fact that the main method of its action is to interact with the cellular androgen receptor.
When it comes to performance enhancement, a daily dose of 50mg will be the most common Methandienone injection protocol. This is usually a dosage that is well tolerated by most people and at the same time gives very good results. There are also some other people who go even higher in their dosage, however this dose is generally not well tolerated and this will most likely result in deeper side effects, so it is generally not recommended to go above 50mg per day. .
Methandienone for injection has been found to be a really good companion to many other steroids, so it can be combined with many others. For example, the product has been seen to work particularly well with some mild anabolics, a good example would be Nandrolone Decanoate and Nandrolone Phenylpropionate. By taking these 2 compounds together, a person can expect amazing gains in muscle mass and strength, with side effects that are no worse than what a person might expect using Methandienone injection alone (which is usually done at higher doses). As a general rule, it is recommended that the full cycle of Methandienone injections be 6 to 8 weeks.