
Stanozolon® Stanozolol 10mg/tab, 100tabs/pack

Stanozolon® Stanozolol 10mg/tab, 100tabs/pack

Active Life: 6-8 hours
Androgenic/Anabolic Ratio: 30:320
Average Dose: 20-60mg/day
High Blood Pressure: Rare
Liver Toxic: Yes, it is a c17-alfa-alkylated steroid
Water Retention: No
Aromatization: No
DHT Conversion: No, No, it is a DHT derivative
Decrease HPTA function: Low


Stanozolon® is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, chemically altered so that its anabolic properties are greatly amplified and its androgenic activity minimized. It is favored for its ability to promote muscle growth without water-retention. Stanozolon provides quality muscle growth. The anabolic properties of this substance are still mild in comparison to many stronger compounds, but it is still a good, reliable builder of muscle. Its anabolic properties could even be comparable to Methandienone, but it does not have the same tendency for water retention. Stanozolon also contains the same c17 methylation we see with Methandienone, an alteration used so that oral administration is possible. Structurally Stanozolon is not capable of converting into estrogen. Likewise an anti-estrogen is not necessary when using this steroid, gynecomastia not being a concern even among sensitive individuals.